
I have. Angels with submachine guns. Might be worth a matinee. Definitely going to see Zombieland, though.

Hey, Jim, I found a G-11 at a local gun show, so I won't be bugging you to let me borrow yours from now on. Any help with procuring the caseless ammo for it? How do you manage? I ain't acculturated much, but I don't think learnin' is faggy. We're still pretty good with guns too, Jim. But even I have to admit that

And once again Kirk wins the Scatological Medal of Honor for Conspicuous Gallantry without the use of Aptivia!

I wish that John Candy was still alive.

Now that you mention it, Frito…she does look as if she's just come from an acid face peel. I thought for a moment that was JT's chain-smoking aunt or something.

Don't you have some dollhouse furniture to make?

If you think wonton abuse is funny, you've obviously never been pelted with dim sum.

I heard some pointy-head refer to Twitter as "cybernetic diarrhea of the mind for the mindless."

Pay no attention to your detractors, Phel. I for one am always ecstatic to read one of your posts. This place just isn't the same without you.

Remember, Riff: two shots to the chest, followed by one to the head. If you're within three meters, don't bother with the sights. Just point and shoot. You'd also be better off at a sporting goods store than a pawn shop.

The glue factory turns her down and she is stood against a wall and shot.

Plot? We've got stunning visuals, explosions, a somewhat still bankable star, and some shiny things. Who needs a plot?

Colt .45's don'e shoot themselves, you know.

Efroniacs! Self-immolate!

Nope. You just look like some frothing-at-the-mouth shill for the Republican Party 2.0. Before you know it, you'll be sharing the dais with Palin and her idiot brood.

When do I get to play with the G-11, Jim?

Go back to your old avatar, Bascule.

Next time you go after an elephant…
…try a .460 Weatherby Magnum instead of your bare hands. You might not need that for a baby, but you sure as shit will for the mommas and the daddies.

Dunno 'bout that, Ban…the Canucks have gotten pretty good at spotting bad American pennies.

Yo, Ban…if'n you need any sort of "instructional aids" or "motivational tools" to "encourage the proper response" from all them other drivers…just gimme a holler.