
Is that a heavily made up Kirk Cameron playing the diabolical Iranian dude?

She's pondering the wisdom of a career choice that roped her into a movie featuring Steven Baldwin.


If you'd put that in Palin-drome form, David, you'd be the King of the Intrawebs.

Hey, is that midget still alive? How 'bout a Palin/Perot ticket in 2012?

It's Proto-Illurian for "cloying hellspawn."

Even freshly baked cookies right out of the oven cannot redeem the awfulness of Gwynndd Poltroon's head still attached to her body.

So this Charitable Man bloke is a…lion? Am I reading him correctly? And not one of the cubs, one of the older members of the pride? What a fortuitous occurence!! I've got several safari rifles I need to test fire!! Since he was so keen to single Phel out, maybe it's just Chocolate Eating Jacket under another name.

"They're basically bundles of songs that everyone knows loosely tied together by a strand of plot."

How many chartered accountants go to work strapped?

Perhaps Bruno will kiss it and make it all better.

He likes cowboy hats, bandana, helmets, and bandanas-under cowboy hats. He tolerates baseball caps.

Take your pick.

Hey, dude-I got a passle of Saturday Night Specials, if that's any help.

El es muerto, Gringo Jim of Emperor Ass of Dumb!!!

Since when have the Brazillions cared a toss about the niceities of waivers, releases, and international copy right law?

"The taste of…CHOW, CHOW, CHOW!!!" Oh, wait…that was the cat food commerical. Not the song. Stupid me.

Those only work so long as you're equipped with a bolt action or lever action weapon. Kind of awkward to keep thirty-round magazines in them. But your point is well-taken. Those leather bandoliers that crossed over the chest were a totally badass fashion item. Worn in conjunction with a big, intricately adroned

The Brazillions haven't ripped off Seinfeld's Bee Movie, have they? Probably won't, either.

I don't know, JVS. Mexican jurists have been known to underscore their arguments with sustained bursts of automatic weapons fire.