
I think that dude might have just a bit more street cred…
…if he were named Bradley Switchblade. Or Bradley Ginanjuice. Or Bradley Nickelplatedthirtytwo. Hold on…he probably needs to ditch Bradley altogether.

Awkward stale delight moment of source queasily have been glad to.

I'll bet that the MAD

Communism failed, JVS. "Proletariat Worker" is no longer acceptable usage. "Wage Slave," however, is.

More like "grappling his own loaf." And JVS, that's what the Krauts did with all the leftover Trabis.

Bob, if the Church of the Subgenius features propellor beanies, decoder rings, and a secret handshake, you can count on my support.

Yeah, and remember kids-blind animal panic trumps positive mental outlook every single time.

It is every bit as fabricated as The Onion, TMCCF. Sadly, it's a] no where near as well done, b] no one in the target demographic is in on the joke, and c] they have nothing remotely comparable to ZMF or Chang.

::pours last of Hoppes #9 powder solvent into almost empty wine bottle, wonders where monkey has gotten to, squints at far wall, notes that S&W target .38/.44 seems to be missing…wonders what he did with that recipe for Indonesian Monkey Stew…::

I'm going to make the most of my "funemployment…"
by combining my enthusiasm for firearms and my desire to expand my social horizons by engaging in some madcap "gunemployment" by ripping other "funemployeds" off!!

"…middle aged harpy…," you're going to have to be a bit more specific, Vlad. I'm guessing you don't mean Kim Catrall [sp?], because she's not only hit the wall, she's slid down it as well.

::slips on blindfold, field strips Sako M95, huffs Hoppes #9 Nitro Powder Solvent, smiles winsomely as he considers that there are more guns in his sock drawer than most police departments have::

Baptists may not have magical underwear. But we do have magical room service, since you can't consume alcohol in front of all the other brethren.

Oh, so she picked up her craft from Paltrow, huh?

Thanks for sharing, CC. Makes me feel much better about my own prospects.

Keep skinning your tiny url out, troll. I'll show you the roots of that thing one of these days.

I too shark every week as if it's life weak.

So long as it's dipped in komodo dragon saliva, it's fine by me.

With quarrels tipped with capsules containing komodo dragon saliva, so that, once hit, the victims would die slow, horrible, agonizing, and utterly hilarious deaths as they necrotized from the inside out? I mean, the Nuge is pretty well off, but even he wouldn't waste armor piercing rounds on these dipthongs.

To their further credit, the first and second Underworld movies had some pretty wicked gunplay in them.