
Pretty sure that was her body double.

More like ruptured, actually.

Maybe he can be persuaded to do "The Jeff Treadwell Story."

Bull's eye.

"More Weight!"

Remember-zombies can be easily distracted by surf boards.

I think he's referencing Canadian rappers.

Could you tell if they were being grimly ironic or grimly nonironic? Or was it more of an ironical grimness or nonirionical grimness?

Does Ralph Macchio play Batman's sidekick in this one?

So, Batman's got an M203 glued to a harmonica…
…looks like we're fucked, y'all.

Shooting yourself in the foot with a .38 special squib load can be a]less painful, b] less down time, and c] less of your family getting in your face, because if you're willing to shoot yourself in the foot, who knows what else you might be willing to shoot?

I believe the words are "sarcasm," "derision," "mockery," and "scorn." Try the dictionary, it works!!

Man, this Robinson Cruso sumbitch is pretty damn good, huh?

Bullshit. He's too busy hitting the Russian chick who used to be Demi Moore's husband's girlfriend. On that show with that dude who was in one of the Spiderman movies.

Superb deployment of understated faux outrage, there, CC.

Always suxpected as much, RB.

More like watching that clown who lost all of his furniture to the Vietnamese try to become president.

They always told me that I was borned about nine months after all them fellers escaped from the chain gang, and not to ever bother about asking who my real daddy was.

Ah, shit…bein' left out of family activities ain't so bad. I got out of going to a cousin's wedding by accidentally/on purpose shootin' myself in the foot with a .38 Spcl squip load. Barely got into the bone. And I still got the bullet somewheres.

It's kind of like trying to slay a self-absorbed hydra.