
Wow, I must have missed that. I'm catching up on Netflix so I haven't seen them all. I grew up in Princeton, but there is no way they could run a barely profitable sandwich joint there, no matter how …artisanal.

I didnt know serrano ham was a thing until just now, and now I can't live without it.

Oh, burn. Good point. There is a restaurant there my family sometimes goes to that even has a "bar." Wooden counter, TVs hanging over it, bottles on display, just no booze. Its a damned tease, I tell you.

I'm usually bored by/disappointed in efforts to pinpoint settings of TV shows in the real world, but its pretty cool how well it matches up. Also, as someone who appreciates the skeevy appeal of the Jersey shore, Bob's under-appreciated gem fits perfectly.

New Jersey! Wooo!
EDIT: Seriously though, Internet, well done. This was fun.

In Andy's case though, its just the most superficial of changes. If you refused to call someone what they asked upon meeting them, sure, that's pointlessly mean. But Andy never really changed for the better that I remember. He seemed to be trying to hang a new hat on the same old rack and call it good.

This one time I was at a Wal Mart and saw a guy browsing the freezer aisle, idly playing with a butterfly knife.

Yeah, I was pointing it out too.

Yes, he certainly should of.

On the other hand, the little aside about Johnny Carson's wife working at a salon is pretty clever. "Here you go, now we have 300 million and 70 dollars."

I have never actually seen this routine, only listened to it. I'll have to make a note to watch it some time. Even without video, Raw is absolutely hilarious.

Sean Connery would like you to think so.

The "underground" missions result in pills, in case that is still relevant. Their icon is a clenched fist. What with all the power.

So I hear. Its on the list.

Glad to hear it. Im excited to play 3, but Ive gotta knock a few games out of the queue before I can justify a new one.

It seemed to me like it was possible to run out of pills and missions that give them, which is weird for a game that encourages so much screwing around.

This game would make me two behind, but man, Far Cry 2 was tits. That is all.

…the Pope and Raquel Welch.

He "moved on to other opportunities" at Zynga, I believe.

Yep. I'm more than happy to wait for the dust to settle. I've got an embarrassing backlog for my 360. I'm like 3 Assassin's Creeds behind!