

Ha! That will learn those jerks to make their creepy tin-foil-hat camera mandatory. This is a surprising number of about faces (abouts face?) for a company that did so well last time.

But then how would I see giant robots fighting monsters? Won't someone please think of the Landstanders?

That …actually sounds right. Man.

In addition to being black, he is also funny. Double Trouble!

Ha ha, did that happen? Classic!

I dropped out of comics once Superman died and Spider-Man got married. It was pretty clear they were just fucking with me.

Yadda-yadda, tape a bunch of cats together.

See, I always figured the character was called that because that's what a kid would call him. Does your dad wear a suit and work in an office? He is a business guy. To conflate that with a statement on capitalism just seems bizarre and obtuse.

Cool Ranch never left!

Im in month five of what is hopefully the final time I quit. Not having friends really helps, at least not where I live now.

I figured its because Truman Capote wrote it.

The people I was watching with and I had that exact conversation.

I'm S-ing my H over "fanblog" being one word, instead of at least two.

I used to characterize that expression as "Nelson-esque," but I think I like yours better.

Youre thinking of Katelynn and Hunter.

I may have to do the trial, since my impression of the service seems so far off from what they actually do. Now that they have some HBO, that might get me to sign up. I never finished the Sopranos and have only seen a couple of episodes of The Wire *ducks rotten fruit*.

Bong and a blintz?

That so? Boy, you're helpful. (Sincerely). I got the impression somewhere that it was a great service, but if its more of a ghetto than Netflix maybe its not worth it.