
Thanks, Ive been thinking of getting Amazon Prime, and this counts as a mark in its favor.

I want King of the Hill back. I was like halfway through the run and apparently those later seasons arent available on DVD.

I don't know about the books, but rape is what turned me off of this show. I watched the first two episodes and am pretty sure I counted four rapes and two attempts at child murder. No matter how Byzantine the political maneuvering, that was just too creepy a window dressing.

I trust Im not his type.

So Im immortal, is what you're saying.

'Tis no man. 'Tis a remorseless eating machine.

I think I have seen every season up to 20 or so, and there is always a good episode or two in each season at least. It could be the old blind squirrel deal, but I don't want to live in a world without the Evita episode in season 15.

Gah! I've been reading this to find a chance to mention him. Well played.

That sounds like Twin Peaks, Im crawling through the first season for the very first time when the mood strikes.

I'm gonna start using that. When reminded that I ain't, in fact, the damned pope, just about anything I do looks better.


I always assumed that was from the congealed sweat.

Ha ha, exactly. Or Whoppers Junior.

I believe its supposed to be Michaels Fassbender.

Ive heard good things about the Clone Wars, and now that its on Netflix I was thinking of getting into it. Is the consensus that its worthwhile?

Speaking as a person betrayed by Star Wars, I've gotten through by ignoring it with all my might since 2005. I like the original movies, the Battlefront video games were a lot of fun, but other than that my fandom is on indefinite hiatus.

Or Dr. Baby from American Dad.

AD made me careful what I wish for. I finished it, and there were laughs, but I ultimately don't think it was worth it.

Right now I own a 360, Wii, and 'Cube. Tony Hawk is a good suggestion, had my brother not traded it in to Gamestop when I foolishly left it with him. My friends and I used to pass SSX Tricky back and forth.