
Mario games aside, care to drop any wisdom on me? Im always looking for good couch co op and can't find a whole lot.

No, they didn't.

…no, you don't.

At least not while I'm at work.

Yep. Campus security carried guns when I went to college, and I always wondered under what circumstances they were allowed to shoot a student. I'm sure I'd rather not know.

This show only perpetuates the stereotype that George Lopez is funny.


I found the book less annoying because the main character is less of a saint. Also, by the time he goes into space the story seems to have cultivated a surreal, "anything can happen" vibe less shackled by the weighty nostalgia the movie trades on.

So, Anthonolgy of Interest did it? Last Starfighter, too.

That's a great one.

I just keep mine offline. They are welcome to my AVClub posts. I dont even own an internet, etc.

Ive only seen a couple of early episodes of this show, but it seemed to be asking me to take it more seriously than it deserved, and it didn't have a hint of levity or camp that might make it go down easier.

Boy, you called it, brother.

Unless the story doesn't change, but the world is rich enough to support a second play through. Im hoping Infinite works that way, since I plan on playing it again.

Urinal cakes with her face on them are popular in VFW halls. I learned all sorts of things in my one year of ROTC. A lot of them having to do with Jane Fonda, apparently.

Way I heard tell it, she visited American POWs and reported the ones who gave her their SS numbers so she could tell their families they were alive to the guards. Now, I don't know if that's the case, but if its true, I say keep on grudgin'.

My college roommate and I sang that song to each other.

Man, I played the hell out of some Chex Quest. Im pretty sure my brother still has the CD.

Holy shit, they mentioned me! I'm finally legit!

That's a good one. All I can seem to come up with are video games I enjoyed with nondescript titles. Fallout was a cool title, I knew exactly what StarCraft (auto correct capitalization, wtf?) was the first time I saw the name, but Ive got nothing on what you mentioned.