
Yeah, I feel like a lot of the characters just need to ride off into the sunset, so the audience can assume they will go on kicking ass and smoking all the time for years to come, but they needed to bring it to a close somehow.

I shoulda known.

Great comic, but I thought they went a little too heavy with the mega-happy ending.

Why does this game have such an incomprehensible name? I'm not trolling, I'm just curious.

I have now. Yowza (or something equally respectful).

That had not occurred to us, Dude.

Great name, dude.

Lets not forget the Castro brothers. Fidel, Raul, Dennis, and Dwayne.

Being more of a vodka man, I can assure you and evening of that will have the same result, at least butt-wise.

In third grade, the only way to be cool was to be able to burp on purpose and speak Pig Latin. I remain fluent in both to this day.

I don't get it.

Also, by 'Anchorman 2.'

Just as long as we, as a future society, decide Ugg boots look ridiculous.

"Pining for the fjords"??

I've been playing for a while now, about a year and a half. Its funny how it started as something that would fit into a reasonably sized bathroom break into a game that takes like 15 minutes to "play a round of". Of course, that was before they introduced the button that lets you jump to an idle character.

He only likes mistreating fish in the context of consensual S&M.

Slice it off!

I think the fifth is the shadow on the right.

That is my answer when someone asks me a question way above my station at work, in life, etc.