Luther Mahoney

What are you gonna do, detective?
Read me my rights?

* spits blood on the AV Board *

Shouldn't that be "Hanged?"

The font for 'Outsiders' was significantly larger than the text above it, so I just assumed the preceding part was the standard "Batman And The". But that part was too small for me to make out, so I could be wrong.

I thought that the opening scene of Kale breaking into Will's apartment was meant to indicate that Kale was the one who actually planted the bugs, intending for Will to then find them after his "warning." Kale's shrewdly manipulating Will and I'm very curious as to what his true motivation is.

David Patrick Kelly returns!
Glad to see him back as Louie's therapist.

This pleased me so much that I apparently needed to mention it twice.

Tom Sizemore
This ep was worth watching alone just for his quick cameo in rehab with Andrew, hassling him about his unauthorized cell use.

Tom Sizemore
This ep was worth watching alone just for his quick cameo in rehab with Andrew, hassling him about his unauthorized cell use.

David Patrick Kelly
He killed in his scenes as Louie's therapist. I hope that he becomes a recurring character.

You better learn about these things from my man Buzz Lightyear here (referring to guest Buzz Aldrin).

More love for Andy Barker, P.I. here. I liked both of Andy's one-season wonder shows, but liked P.I. a little more.


As was "Coupon: The Movie" from Mr. Show.

Let's get a taco.

I don't know, Clueless. Seemed more like Profanity Mad Libs to me. I could have just as easily been a "douchetard jackwad."

"Feel free to go be a douchewad jacktard elsewhere now, you arrogant cuntrag."

A little of column A, a little of column B…

So, what shared a floor with who for three years?

Is that a riff on Charlie's dyslexia?