
Keith David, he narrates The US Navy commercials, he played Cameron Diaz's step-dad in There's Something About Mary, and he was also Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog, I met him at a jazz bar in Harlem once, nice guy.

Nothing about how Princess Bubblegum was the same age 15 years ago? Combined with her obsession with longevity, I suspect that there some (non Nolan) Ra's al Ghul shit going on with her.

Or unchaining a wrecking ball over someones head.

Lookout Terry Crews (if I had to guess)

I laugh my ass off when comedians apply that anti heckle reflex.

Eww, I didn't wait for her to use the bathroom, so I could get go at him, I'm a straight, male, Bob's Burgers fan, I just wanted to tell him he had a fan in the restaurant without being a cock block about it.

I find D- incredibly harsh (except for the the song choice, epitome of overused), I get the sense that the following season will be more akin to the earlier ones, some plot points from the newer seasons have resulted in occasional eye rolls but I still find the show highly entertaining and the characters lovable, this

I met Eugene Mirman at a sushi bar last summer, he was super nice. He was on date with this really REALLY cute girl, so I waited till she went to use the restroom before I said anything to him.

That was a beautifully sad ending, I liked how they avoided making Rigby a goofball, it would have killed the vibe. I liked Margaret but at least now they have an excuse to bring CJ back, curious to see if that goes anywhere.

Sociopathic: Finn using the Ice King's tragic situation as fuel for the angry letter just so he could get off.
I mean yeah he's not as messed up as Bubblegum but I find it kinda creepy that while he's almost fully aware of Ice King's situation he doesn't seem to give a single fuck.

I find it really messed up that Finn doesn't seem to give two shits about Ice King having once been a good man.

I respect that the writers didn't pull a Full House where all is forgiven instantaneously, Finn's actions never seem to have consequences so this was a refreshing change, hope they stick together though.

I guess Coolio will be taking them on a (•_•). ( •_•)>⌐□-□. (⌐□_□) Fantastic Voyage

This was a good episode, but am I the only one who thought Maja's character design was kind of boring? I mean her design was fine but by Adventure Time standards it felt kinda lazy. Loved the creepy double voice though.

I'm kind of meh about newsroom, the main story is pretty good but some of their side stories are garbage like "look us, I'm the quirky blonde office girl who plays by her own rules and i'm the scholarly stuffy reserved young employee, there no way were going to fall for each other" it's like something out of those

So sad to see Terry go, I met the actor who played him on the subway last year, he was really nice, and shockingly similar to his character XD

I enjoyed learning that FP has a massive family.

An old white Southerner longing for the pre-civil war era? While the're at it they could tell us how often is snows there.

hmm… yeah now that you mention it denial makes more sense

that sucks it was just getting really good