
Because we all know how much God frowns upon feeding hundreds of starving children.

Really enjoyed the episode overall, but the beating made me a little uncomfortable, and the shot a Bob's Burgers just seemed desperate.

True, but it was almost painful this time considering how they just flushed all that character development down the toilet.

Smaug is hands down the best Dragon ever put to cinema.

Can't say it doesn't deserve it, the humor is pretty pathetic now, easily the weakest show on Animation Domination. I can still watch episodes from earlier seasons and laugh my ass off, but now aside from the contestant unnecessary celebrity guests who play themselves, the forced pop culture references are

Wasn't that bad, some of the jokes were a little flat but there were some pretty funny bits. That HBO's Boys thing had me dying.

Somehow I don't think I wouldn't have minded as much if they had just designed it differently, just felt so forced and goofy.


That was some Gainax shit with the Lich turning into a baby though.

Phlannel Boxingday's initials and number of syllables just hit me.

I've seen almost every episode of Girls with friends and I gotta say don't like it either, the conflicts are are unbelievably petty, and this is coming from a Larry David fan. That aside most of the characters are whiney, unlikable and just written as unjustifiably bad people. I mean comedy or drama I watch plenty of

A little disappointing, it started off great, but the second half felt kind of rushed and lazy. I loved the portrayal of Ice King as sane again but there was something off about the way they handled his reunion with Betty. I think Adventure Time could stand to take itself more seriously, they're really good at doing

Ah… Damn, I didn't expect another Shakespeare reference, thank you.

OoO …nice

How many 15 year olds do you know that have feelings for bubblegum mutants and sentient fire?

Not far enough

I enjoyed the episode, but it seemed incredibly pointless and distracting to name the Flame Lord "Don John", dumb even, like they were trying too hard to be funny with a JGL reference. I loved the movie and all, but the choice seemed like a sledgehammer to the fourth wall, which isn't really Adventure Time's style.

I don't mind race bending in doses, but in this situation it seems like it would make the story clunky since Sue and Jonny are siblings, so I can't see them justifying the casting choice unless they pull adoption out of their ass, drop the familial tie, or do the thing they did in Shameless with Liam XD Michael B.

I've been particularly enjoying this more recent handful of episodes, I feel like not enough has been happing at times this season, a bit too many episodes of sittin around doing nothing, I haven't been seeing that with the past few, it's a nice change of pace.

A sexually frustrated anthropomorphic cherry soda attorney, Adventure Time made this a thing.