Progenitor Of All Things Good

Outkast on Comcast?
Devo on TiVo?
TV on the Radio on the radio?

How about Ju 2, starring U2, feat. Bono as Bru-tay, on Blu-Ray

I think it was something they had to dew eventually.

I've often suspected their commitment to weather reporting was just a front.

Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein and the Cute Little Bunny Rabbit"
Bram Stoker's "Dracula Loves Raymond"

I hear the producers wedged in some pretty overt signs that the kids might not be vampires.

Travel the world with… American Wherewolf!

Harry vs. The Hendersons?

I think they're both references to 2001.

If you cut the first and last 10 minutes out of The Princess Bride, I'll kill you.

What a mean old man!

I'm really trying, but I don't see any present tense. Just a really awkwardly written article.

Die in a… No. There's been too much death today already.

I don't think it's fair to attribute this movie's success to the awesomeness of robots and Megan Fox's tits alone. I think it's equally unfair to say the bajillion people who ignored or defied reviews in order to see it don't care about the racial stereotypes, vacuous plot, and inane editing. I would contend instead

My WOWie dorm-mates pronounced it "pawned" and "ponied" as well as "powned."

Yo Mohinder! Let's eat some string cheese and watch the Omar Sharif classic, "Baltimore."

Fat dick-sucking gay porn.

But - oh goodness I crack myself up - does he make false clams?

True Lies 2: My Mother Fastforwarded Through Jamie Lee Curtis Dancing Half-Naked. Maybe I Should Rent the First One

I streamed in on Netflix the other day, because of previous positive mentions in these here boards. I had to give up about 20 minutes in. "I LISTENED!!!!" could have been cool, and instead felt moronic.