Hunter Gathers

Ian McShane as Moriarty. Why not?

You answered your own question by mentioning Guy Richie.

The Non-Canonical Young Sherlock Holmes is also surprisingly watchable.


Yeah, everyone still likes the marijuana version better. It's a lie we all agree upon.


Fishing trip. Suicide. Lost weekend. Any of the classics.

I won't care about the Oscars until Jay Sherman wins one. Viva Jay Sherman, et Viva Quebec!

Ahem. *BOSTON*.

I think we should switch from "fuckstick" to "fucknugget" in an homage to Deadwood. Who's with me?

He's not you're pal, you fuck. FULL CIRCLE!

We're Still Doing This?

Probably, Adjucnt Snugglesworth, probably. But did you ever consider that these comments may have been made lightheartedly? The internets: lighten up. 2 drink minimum and so forth.

Did not. I take it Harmon is this Dean that's been described? I'll have to check them out.

Fringe finished strong last year and had solid geek cred, but you'd pick supernatural over Dan Harmon? Fie, fie unto thee!

Missed this, but I have to second that loyalty. Is Scrab involved too? Anyone else from the Channel 101 gang? Dare I hope for Ryznar and Stair?

I FUCKING LOVE DAN HARMON. I stopped reading right there, because nothing could convince me to see this pilot more.

There seems to be some confusion. I was referring to the new Diablo Cody defenders, bitching about the hipster backlash to Diablo Cody. The backlash to the Diablo Cody backlash.

Do I look like a fat Welshman, John?

What does Oprah's reflection look like in the Sons or Hung?