Hunter Gathers

Why not just go with FML?
Not that this should become a trend, but some of those actually have tiny, encapsulated plots. Like really bad flash fiction.

Many years ago, in a 5th grade sex ed class, the kid next to me raised his hand and asked, "If you have a boner, and you run into a wall, will it, like, break?"

So between this and No Impact Man…
… is this enviro/energy-doc week? Because this one seems like it would contain a lot more useful (albeit spanish) information.

No, but he was crushed by Universe Man.

Damn, what about Alan Arkin's old looking ass? They must pop out of the womb with crow's feet and liver spots.

Wait, what?! "Roses" is at least in the top 3 tracks on that entire album!

The Boxmasters vol. 1-23 are at your neighborhood video store, right next to All Anal Action vol. 1-82. You're welcome.

I hate Cheap Trick and I still think their live album kicks ass. I guess it's that good. But, as a good hippie son, I'm gonna have to nominate Live/Dead.

Indeed. It's appalling.

Hollywoodland? No.

Men like Big, Beautiful Tits! You know, to have them. As a woman. MAKE SOME LEMONADE OUT OF THIS, WILL YA?!

Count Meowcula: The Incredibly True Story

I think the newswire has been sufficient lately to kill buzz, but maybe it's just me.


@ Not Paulie Shore: What's this? Is Paulie Shore trying to Astroturf some demand for his shit in the AVC comments?

What, you don't self-consciously pour over the existing comments before you post?

Yeah, Smith or Lawrence had better have a wife/girlfriend/daughter/mistress/thai ladyboy/gimp inovlved in that explosion or it goes down a level of shit realness.

Sounds incredible. I'd really like to hear that… more than this bit from squarepusher.

I also know where Scud Mountain is. Awesome.

Yeah, well what's so great about it? Huh? Huh?