Hunter Gathers

… Apocalyptic visions and Kurzwiel in a sci-fi interview? That's some good futurism, right there. Maybe primer material?

Yeah, but Children of Men owned.

At the very least, I can't see the strings on that mothership in the trailer. And nobody died five minutes into filming, right? It already beats plan 9!

Haven't watched Munchausen since I was a kid, but I loved it then.

My friend was in his latest video
… and so I've had some quality preview-time with this album. Good stuff.

It's the modern white-man's overbite. Now that "When Harry…" exposed the previous popular move, the jumping fist shaking took over. See also: the "I know I can't do the lawnmower and shopping cart but they're all I can think of so I'll just do toned-down versions and hope nobody notices" dances. Very popular at

Do hipster dogs have karma? Mu.

And if you watch things while they're on, sometimes they even get second seasons!

The comments
are actually more complimentary than the review, which is pretty complimentary. What the fuck is going on, AVClub?..

What about those…
… who both want to be and be with Emily Deschanel? Don't leave us out, dammit!


Regressive Ethnic Caricatures helped get Crank 2 an A-.

Aw, what the fuck. Fuck Mel Gibson too.

Gonna say it again: Fuck Jim Caviezel. Fuck that guy.

I hate Michael Bay. And NOT the way I enjoy having my nipples polished with industrial sandpaper!

I can't believe nobody's said it yet: "Money Shot, or, Cashing in Years After Fading From the Public Eye"

And I'm fearful I'm fearful I'm fearful of flying, AND FLYING IS FEARFUL OF ME!

Shame on you, commenting without drinking beforehand!

Nicotine Stain on account of my crutch
and I'm aching from fuckin' too much!

Plenty of room to keep a rifle that large under that habit, eh sister?