Hunter Gathers

The new auto-tune the news is out. It soothes the nerves. It's the smooooooke!

A friend told me this was cancelled…
… and I said it was not. And I got a pretty entertaining hour of TV as the winner of the argument who was willing to tune into Fox for an hour of what threatened to be Prison Break. I'm really hoping they let this ride for another season, but I'm not sure if it's up for that if

I know I don't trust anyone who can't stretch a monosyllabic word into at least six. At le-he-he-he-he-HEAST that leaves me with the advice of Johnny C. McGinley, who at least plays a doctor on TV, and not Jim Carrey.

Paleontologists recently uncovered the remains of a sexual tyrannosaurus in the Gobi.

Carl Weathers thinks it's going to be awfully cloudy with an increased chance of rain. Hold on while I get Busdriver and Daedalus to clarify for everyone.

Around here it's Futurama.

Over on the comments about Prince, there's a great story about him fucking Basinger. Sounds like it'd be more entertaining.

Guess Foxx is going to have to do a Holocaust bit to score another Oscar. I was hoping we were gonna get off the hook, but whatreyagonnado.

Again, Partyman fuck yeah!

Mecha Shiva, eh? That would tear through a man like a transformer through a donut. Also, fictitious.

It may be believed to be the first film to feature Nicole Kidman being violated by a Border Collie and then stabbing the animal to death with pruning shears, but I have some a few recordings that would prove otherwise. It's filed next to the video of R. Kelly giving that underage girl a shower of his liquid bling.


If Homeward Bound had been in Grindhouse…
… this piece of shit would have been one of the trailers, and not Machete.

Good thing you came along to give us a donkey punch joke and save the day, Quirky… WAIT A SECOND THAT'S NOT A JOKE GODDAMIT SOMEONE ELSE SAVE THIS THREAD QUICK.

Always Weird Looking Back…
Seeing what the review was on an album I liked before I became a regular reader. I guess I can agree that AWWTM wasn't as solid as the Soft Bulletin, but I think it still has some great moments. Except for Christmas on Mars I've been pretty starved for Lips in the last 2 + 1/2 years, and

Idle hands kicks ass, indeed.
"How come that hand isn't evil?"
"Wasn't idle enough, I guess."

They already have that cow in the lab. Isn't that enough for an aging mad scientist?

Should have been reversed, I agree. "Allison, you're practically the winner already, and… solid gold puppies? What the shit is this?" and "Gokey, you're also a good singer."

River Tam
"and I can kill you with my brain."

I'm pretty sure (or maybe just pretty hopeful? It can be hard to tell the difference thinking about TV) that freaky shit was done to Peter. He can't just be all hand-holding, all the time.