Hunter Gathers

I dunno about overlapping fan bases. If I see a fucking polar bear I am out the door and not looking back.

Great teaser at the end of the episode for the rest of the plot. They could have left it hanging with Walter just being slightly more edgy around Olivia as if he could almost remember experimenting on her, but instead we got some creepy fucking video and voiceover. Good stuff, I say.

So… someone calling themselves "Elitist Trash" has a problem with obscure nomenclature? The fuck is that?

@ Tony Starks— I hope you're actually a Ghostface fan, and are just praising the additional alias. If not, well, that's okay too.

KRS-one tried Hare Krishna, and it worked for him!

Government isn't the real government anyway. Shadow governments control everything, even in Illinois.

Whatever Happened to Saturday Night?
They should have accidentally put Meat Loaf in the morgue and had him bust out on a motorcycle.

His name was Robert Paulson!

Lazy writing like that to 1) keep Maya 2-D and 2) hit that reset button and so satisfy Fry's Law of Television. It's not like the show hasn't successfully married off other characters before. They could have seized the opportunity to introduce a new character that actually had potential, something I feel like the

She was actually studying one-dimensional-characterhood at Uni.

It would be nice if that were true, and it wasn't terrible writing and acting wrapped up in one single Eliza Dushku.

Had OK Computer on tape in high school. Would listen to side A every morning before I went to school. For about a year.

So… I've been waiting for this for a while. TELL ME WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN MY FUTURE!

Every other rapper from the minno has their own fucking awesome shit to put out there. How come more midwestern cities don't rep this hard?

Lifetime: Employing the world's smallest violin players.

D0uble LP it is. Hope the local wax store has it— their ordering system is unreliable as hell, but they've better have a copy in stock, goddammit.


This out on vinyl?

Been Waiting for This
Have a friend who goes to University in Oslo, wanted him to go to their opening night show. Sucker's broke and missed it. Even if all we get on this continent is an album and no live performances, I want the damn album. Glad to see an AVC review.

Yeah, the "House is locked in too" was weak and heavy handed. That's why I was hoping the last shot would be that House actually was locked in (and treatable, so we wouldn't have to deal with it next week), and had collapsed on the floor in the elevator.