Hunter Gathers

I also thought it was pretty distracting and somewhat unnecessary— the switch at the end was such an obvious parallel shot, it made me think House contracted the same disease and was going to collapse in the elevator.

Joe's Garage does demand a full listening— it just can't be the same without it. But We're Only In It For the Money is much more accessible.

But if you don't have time for all three Berlin albums, the time can always be made for Station to Station. Second to the Hell Yes!

And here I hadn't bought a new DS game since Mario Kart
Curse you, EA!

And here I hadn't bought a new DS game since Mario Kart
Curse you, Rockstar!

Sounds like they're better live. Although the historical Titus is much better dead.

I may have been in tune with your confusion yesterday, Fyodor, but Animal Mother has you pegged. Prepare to be heckled.

You know, like Black Bolt?

Can't believe it sounds like he and Devo are still putting on such a good show. I wonder if I'll ever get to see it…

I can afford my black leather jacket, because it's me and not my parents in that income tax bracket.

Lots of good albums last year, but the most recent two that made me feel that way were from a little while ago: Pigeon John and the Summertime Pool Party, and Nujabes' "Metaphorical Music". Both Excellent.

This should be a newswire article.

Don't trust the Nun, ImpromptuJ! All she's hiding under that frock is a wire and a 12-gauge!

Getting shot in the face is a valuable skill, son. Maybe someday you'll learn that and get shot in the face, yourself. Like Fitty did for the good of the USA. The reason he has so little to say is because of all the NDAs he had to sign after all of his work for the government.

I actually built a large, wooden badger once, but the OSI wouldn't let me field test the damn thing. Nothing pleased those reds more than big, wooden animals— anyone could tell you that!

Watch it with the hate, people— this man has the key to the city of Bridgeport! I can picture the scene now… "Thanks, Mr. Mayor of Bridgeport, for perpetuating the economic disparity of this area that could lead me to having thug cred, getting famous, buying a solid gold toilet seat, and then getting made fun of in

Bullitt, indeed. McQueen was an original badass. And not just in the on-screen sense.

Mocking Death Kitties?
Poor choice. Those things are all over and people would spend less time worrying if the word was out. If you don't see a death cat, there's nothing to worry about.

Everyone is filmed all the time. Except for vampires. Still have trouble with them.

Death by penguins is a risk we should all be prepared for, at any time! Zombie penguins, too.