Boi Gringo

Based on my own experience, you can be drunk and/or an asshole many times, and never bring up the subject of blacks or Jews.

It's not your fault, Another Kid.

Mulek is fat man with womanish glasses—because eyes, like heart, is weak.

I'll tell you who won't: Cramzee.

Party Down: "It's Toasted."

I concur, but this news requires that I respond in all-caps:

She's 25.

This is just sad.

Amanda Bynes is (or was) my sister's favorite actress.

As a citizen of Freedonia, I refuse to apologize for any of those bands.

Obligatory shred link:

I'm still waiting for you to apologize for Barenaked Ladies.

I still think "I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)" is Steinman's finest hour, minus the titular parenthetical, which I believe accounts for 100% of the hate that the song gets.

He's still listenin' to wax
He's not usin' the CD

My friend's mom in D.C. does historical consulting for R. Lee Ermey's "Lock & Load" on TV.

You got bride, Vietnam?

Lookit them girls with the Daisy Duke Diapers on.

Run, Happiness! Runnnnn!

KFC's new Double-Flusher: Two original-recipe shit patties with bacon, dickcheese and "special sauce" in-between.

AVC Austin Orgy @ my Town Lake mansion*, let's make it happen.