Boi Gringo

I think the strength of High Fidelity is its explicitness.

Garden State was a decent movie.

I thought real men prayed to Jeebus?

Jaden Smith

I slept with Miss Odgeny 2006.

I was a Mormon missionary in the summer of '99.

"Like some kinda….punk."
Anyone here live in L.A.?

"The Letter"
…by the Box Tops is a minute and fifty-eight seconds long.

Hannah Montana
Hoedown Throwdown Double Dildo

From the very first ad in a recent issue:

If this trend catches on, prepare to see:

BRAAP kinda does have a point. I gotta get my Kenny Powers fix, but there is such a thing as an overdose.

Sesame Street does "Fuck Tha Police":
(The best part is at 1:33 — I can't really vouch for the rest of the video.)

Movie > Caper > Manhattan

Not to mention they look nearly identical, except for the difference in height.

That music video was….yeeeeurrrggh.

You know what they call, uh, 50 Cent in Paris?

It's still theoretically possible, thanks to the existence of Ralph Lauren's Chaps brand. You just buy a pair, cut out the ass part, and BAM! Assless Chaps.

Chad Vader Saves Christmas

Austin Music Hall
Sold Out.