Boi Gringo

Strip Up 2 the Tease

I have to take issue with the use of "Tremendous Upside" as a euphemism for the penis.

He's still technically correct, since Sloth is dead. And Mama Fratelli.

John Hughes gets his own tribute? Really?

The hamfisted Iraq War allegory was its ambition to be taken seriously as a singer.

Nobody fucks with the Bridges.

Ronald can't watch, or he has to pay a hundred.

They're not gonna stop until they're handing out Ronald McDonald (TM) Schiesse Porn DVDs with the Happy Meals.

Kevin N,


Those four minutes involved more effort than I have ever or will ever put into anything in my life.

Alice in Wonderchains?

I have to agree with Michelangelo.

I think he actually splattered on a rooftop; never made it all the way to the street.

I'm not your Walrus, Donny.

She brings out my inner Serge Gainsbourg:

Don't call me B., Real.

Don't call me Valens, Augustus.

Too soon?

And God is dead.