Boi Gringo


The problem with Favre is that he's still haunted by the time he flew all the way down to Miami only to be dumped by his beloved Mary for that geek Ted.


I wonder if we'll ever find out who shot up J.R.

That song is the new most annoying sound in the world.

Jimi & Tupac: All Gypsy Eyez On Me. Drops May 2011.

I usually alternate between practicing and shitting, although sometimes I multitask.

Placeholder FTW.

You've all failed to get to the heart of the matter.

Uniformers 2: Revenge Of The Fellated

And by "docking", I mean…

Look Who's Docking, Too

Nobody puts Maverick in a corner.

The Iceman Cometh Harder

Upon hearing this news…
…George Clinton has finally persuaded Casablanca Records to give the green light to:

Weekend At Cruisie's II

Taylor Lautner and the Prisoner of Assgraban

Return of the Jet Guys


I hate myself for loving you.