
I hate that flanagan's article is the one getting all the attention when the other one (the one not about comedy, but with a similar subject) was the one that was far more well written, reasoned, and researched.

Makes total sense and is a good policy. But do you think there's nothing at all that's off limits? That it's just fucked up for a comedian to say?

As much as I love The Raid: Redemption for what it is (it's one of my favorite movies), I'm just shocked that so many people consider it better than The Raid 2. Other than the novelty of non-stop action, it does literally EVERYTHING better than the first. The writing, the cinematography, the choreography, the set

The AV Club literally linked to a Salon article that leeched off a reddit post.

why would it matter? wouldn't he be a bastard?

Again, we'll have to see what comes of this whole marriage situation,
and if it's more interesting than whatever happened in the books. Right
now it's not. But then again, the outrage wasn't about a storytelling
shortcoming. It was about the rape itself.

(late, I know). They DID include it simply by virtue of her marriage to Ramsay. Do you honestly think there's not a rape 90% of arranged wedding nights? Do you think girls who are essentially sold by their parents for political clout every consent to their painful, ceremonial deflowering? It's not like this scene was

The hate for this season is unjustified. It's not like the episodes have slowed down simply for the sake of running out of ideas. It makes sense. Each season had one massive storyline in addition to the secondary and tertiary arcs happening elsewhere (Ned's Crusade, The War of Five Kings parts I and II, the Joffrey's

I'm less irked about the fact that it was yet another rape and more irked about how the suffering of certain characters (Sansa in particular) is just starting to get tiresome and seem gratuitous. The show has made its two points (that good people suffer in the real world and that suffering in general is endless) time

It's not shocking that a rape scene upset people. It's shocking that, given the other horrific content in the show, people are upset at the show's creators for including it.

Oh, come on. You know exactly why those other scandals didn't raise a similar stink. You knew writing this article that most people hadn't even heard of the other "scandals" you mentioned (is a scandal with zero publicity a scandal?). this isn't about some NFL conspiracy to fuck the patriots over. It's about the fact

There are only so many plots you can have with clearly aging protagonists.

Everyone's complaining about the mixing on this album because you can barely hear and understand the vocals. That was honestly what allowed me to enjoy the album.

The Raid 2

The Simpsons also predicted 9/11.

he's more right about the Matrix than he may know.

I always thought objectivity meant reporting the facts, which is exactly what we need. The facts get spun all the damn time, and that's exactly what we need to avoid because it colors our perception of the truth based on some biased journalist's perspective and interpretation. It's the job of journalists to present

If you like choices in video games you should really try the game Papers, Please. You work at a border in a fictional country sort of like Russia. You get paid for every person trying to enter the country that you process, and there are penalties for processing people incorrectly. So sometimes you'll have to choose

I think that's one of the only non-RPG games where you literally play a villain. Granted, Zeus and Ares are also villains, but Kratos had done/does some pretty evil shit too. And for what? Revenge for killing his OWN family? That's what I loved about those games.

Just play pathfinder. Fixes pretty much every problem with 3.5 with few (if any) of 4th edition's issues, and all the rules are easily accessible online.