
I hate it when people say "if you hate spoilers so much, just watch it already!" in relation to breaking bad because I don't want to pirate it and I no longer have access to my ex's Netflix.

Examining the nuances and complexities of form is why you watch movies or shows a second or third time. My opinion is that the first viewing should be enjoyable because you're being told a story. You don't know what happens in it or how it ends, and the inherent suspense before finding out those things (and knowing

I would've been a lot more okay with this if the director said that he wanted the scene to be rape and then explained why that decision was made. But he doesn't seem to think this scene is even rape.

Of course it's rape, and the scene didn't work out like the director intended it to even though he thinks it did. The real question is whether or not the scene was in character based on the show's situations and dialogue. I think it was, which is why I'm okay with it. I just hope the director and screenwriters

He wasn't even that complex by the end of season three. He was just a knight that had been humbled by his experiences with Brienne and was now pretty much seen as a good guy by pretty much every show viewer. Everyone pretty much forgot about him pushing Bran and killing his cousin after he saved Brienne from rape and

Honestly, I think show Jaime DID love Cersei as purely as in the book earlier in the show. But since then, he lost an important battle, spent considerable time bearing the taunts and torment of the north men while chained in his own piss and shit, escaped only to be recaptured, was released only to be at the mercy of

This isn't about the fact that it's rape. It's about the fact that this main character rape (I'm focusing on jamie's) fundamentally changes the relationship dynamic to be different from the book's character dynamic which the author says was so effective. Though I personally think the rape was a good stroke by the