
Goodbye Tara, and your tarable mom mullet.

This show really was obsessed with showing the "real" New Orleans - which you can never possibly understand. NEVER. You fucking tourist. You can't just base your entire television show on authenticity - because it would be less time consuming for me to just go there, rather than watch this show.

birdy birds.

We don't need a progress bar on the top of the page showing us how much of the article we've read dudes. THAT'S WHAT THE SCROLL BAR ON THE SIDE OF EVERY WEB BROWSER DOES… AND BETTER. Because your progress bar doesn't show progress on the whole page, just on the article on the page (not comments).

So in TV club, when I'm scrolling down the page and looking at reviews - in some of them the title of the show isn't actually there, just the title of the review… so I can't tell actually which article is a review of which show. E.g. I was scrolling down the page, looking for the boardwalk review. I finally found it

да, чувак. да.

A) When did rothstein ask Margeret to do work for him? It seemed like he said that she should shut up about who he was and he would do the same for her. Was there more that I missed?

This is a tired criticism, I'm sure, but if EVERYONE is already infected why do people turn into zombies if they get bitten? You can sustain a wound from another, non-zombie, source and survive but if a zombie bites you you're toast? Even if the wound on its own wouldn't be fatal? But also you're already infected so


This is goddamn horrific.


Breaking Bad is the king of people wearing waaaay too many clothes for how hot it should be in New Mexico at certain times of the year.

How does one tell a film?

1) Living in a coldwater flat far away
2) Because he only cares about killing and scrapbooking
3) Money

I just finished this, and when I thought I was about 30% finished reading it, I checked the kindle percentage count and realized I was almost all the way through. Good book, but felt more like a short story stretched to fit.

I kind of thought Pete realized halfway through not only the futility of trying to purge a Draper, but more had the lightbulb that "Fuck I have something on this guy. I can get him to do whatever I want. He's no threat to me on Chevy." And that is why opportunistic Pete didn't fire him.

Most of what he says can be boiled down to a one-word, true answer to every question. That answer is "COCAINE!"


This looks like a huge piece of shit!

Not a lot of other surreal TV comedy troupes you can compare them to. Many of the others came after KITH, and were inspired by or had even worked with them. The influence of Monty Python on KITH in writing, pacing, irreverence and an insistence on eschewing contemporary easy laugh reference for more timeless (and