Necrobutchers Mouthful of Wisd

Modern Family isn't bad. It's a serviceable, mildly funny sitcom, but when there's as much legitimately great comedy on TV as there is now, the fact that it's gotten any notice at all is a little baffling.

Let's be honest - GLEE, MODERN FAMILY, THE OFFICE & 30 ROCK should have been replaced by PARKS AND REC, COMMUNITY, LOUIE and PARTY DOWN. I haven't seen enough CURB to know if it belongs, but it wouldn't break my heart to see it's spot go to ARCHER.

Holy shit - I didn't realize that Moon had released a new Paksennarion book. I had just finished re-reading the Deed, too, so I'm pretty excited to read this. The original trilogy is shockingly solid fantasy that touches on a lot of ideas ignored by most fantasists, and it is fun as hell, too.

Fade away
I mean, sure, some shows go so far downhill that they actually kind of sully the memory of their greatness, but then, look at, say, FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS.

Doctor Who just had one of it's best seasons ever. 40-some years on.

"Wrecked" is among my least-favorite episodes of the season. The Willow stuff was just a bad, bad idea, at least the way it's done -going to a magic 'dealer', tripping on the wall, etc…. It was all ridiculous, juvenile, and too literal-minded by half. A good core idea, perhaps, but nothing more than that.

It's too late, Way Late - I've seen it all. I've seen everything.

There are some Japanese ones I could point you towards.

Christmas wishes
I badly need to see this show, and before any kinks are worked out. This is becoming legendary.

C'mon, Hoodwink - the Prestige.

- Bellona, c. 2009

When you someone meme it?

They'll just pull from TV. I wouldn't be surprised to see a DJ Roomba pop up in 15 years, or a bad indie band called Are We Having Fun Yet?

Hey, Necrobutcher - how's things?

… hope.

I disagree, Horrible Nameless One - this is a hopeful sign that, somewhere out there, there IS hope.

Why has no one expressed bewilderment that there is an AVC Staff member apparently named DJ Hostettler?

It's cool, Eddie Dean, I understand. I hate it when entertainment is anything other than documentaries - when they need to punch up reality with all this fiction, it makes me want to vomit razors on orphans.

Dollhouse had a weak beginning, but it eventually did become one of the best modern sci-fi shows around.

Meanwhile, I nominate "Sex Hair" as the best song title ever. Or just the best song ever.