
How can they look into my eyes and still they don't believe me?How can they hear these words I say and still they don't believe me?

You are human and you need to be loved
Just like everybody else does!

As you should be, little hipster, as you should be.

Brieezy, I've got a plan
Runaway as fast as you can

You'll find no dissent from me, though Godfather III is pretty close.

I've always interpreted Octopus's Garden as having more of an anarchist bent than a Marxist bent. There is no transparent rhetoric about sharing and cooperation,but there is the line "No one there to tell us what to do!". I suppose one could place the song in the anarcho-primitivist tradition that was recently sold to

A is for all-knowing
R is for rigor
M is for magnificent
O is for omnipotent
N is for noteworthy
D is for dangerous(you can come and get some of this)

The opening to Do the Right Thing is fantastic! Rosie Perez's dancing to Fight the Power gave physicality to the spirit of hip hop with blissful creativity. Too bad Spike Lee betrayed his people with the unspeakable atrocity that was Malcolm X.

If it cheers you guys up, I love Cougar Town. In fact, I actually beat a man to death with my bare hands the other day for saying he didn't want to watch some stupid show about cougars.

My actual secret is I've never really seen the show, and am just critiquing an imaginary version of it I've constructed in my head based on the things you've posted about it. My review of English As A Second Language will be the first time I see an actual episode.

"I WIll See You in Far Off Places" by Morrisey.

Yes, I suppose I am. I'm a mix of Maya Angelou, Pauline Kael, Andrew Sarris, Malcolm X, and Jesus.

Rhyme Pays.

Racist. Your love of light skin has led to more pain and death than I care to discuss.

Does anyone else have the problem on this site where every once in a while you try to log in and it says"Bad Gateway" and won't let you do it?

There's a comment board if you want to go
Where you could meet someone who really loves you
So you post on your own
And you leave on your own
And you go home and you cry and you want to die

A MILLION LIKES!!!!!!!!! (though your emo complaint is trite and dismissive).

I found it amusing to see how low liberals would stoop to mock an opponent rather than engage his ideas on an intellectual level.
P.S. You asked where the Smiths's albums were? Most of the songs are on Youtube. Start with the appropriate-for-your-situation That Joke isn't Funny Anymore.

That idea is morally despicable on so many levels I don't even know where to start. By calling Community fans human beings, you imply non-fans (including yours truly) are sub-humans. Similar ideas led to the Holocaust. Your contempt for people with different opinions is the poison in the blood of America.

Poor Rick. They have to be doing it on purpose now.