
I thought the album worked exceedingly well as a postmodern meditation upon the confusion, sickness, and desperation of contemporary youth culture.

Morrisey would never let himself get out of shape, you vulture. Even dreaming such a thing is a degradation of his art.

So tell me how long
before the last one?
So tell me how long
before the right one?

You're lucky then, as few people here truly grasp the wisdom and wit of Adam Sandler's greatest films.


Is there any "good" way to summarize a Mumblecore-style movie?

I can.

My head has healed rather well. The damage to my heart, I'm afraid, is much more serious.

Greetings, Semi. I trust you and your friends have been living well in my absence.

Skyfall should win Best Picture, you presumptuous fool.

This is the ultimate test.

And another of my opinions has inevitably become mainstream…

And another of my opinions has inevitably become mainstream…

Listening to the Smiths should only depress those who wish to turn a blind eye to the miserable truths and emotional realities of modern life. Morrisey's singing and lyrics convey the gay experience with emotional clarity that should bring sudden awareness to attentive listeners. The music is a relavatory joy. To be

Listening to the Smiths should only depress those who wish to turn a blind eye to the miserable truths and emotional realities of modern life. Morrisey's singing and lyrics convey the gay experience with emotional clarity that should bring sudden awareness to attentive listeners. The music is a relavatory joy. To be

Miss me?

Miss me?

I've been getting laid. What's up with you guys?

Such a shitty episode! Of course this show would give credit for a man's romantic successs to brain damage.

I'll never know what the straight male finds so intrinsically erotic about British women.