
My stupid roommate watches and quotes the show night and day, and so my brain has been wrinkled. I cannot even criticize the show without inadvertently referencing it, just like some bitter, shallow hipster would.

If it's not love, then it's the bomb,the bomb ,the bomb that will bring us together.

Well, the show's not really hilarious, nor is it particularly inventive, nor does it have well developed characters, but I'm glad you brought this to me!

The Oscars are shameless enough for one night. BURN DOWN THE KODAK!

The Spirit Awards are a lame, Oscar wannabee. That dolt Michelle Williams was given an award. Smash proved anyone can do a Marilyn impersonation. Goddamn it, the shitty Artist really was one of the better indie movies this year. Damn this whack ass award season.

No, no you're not.

There was an advertisement at the top a minute ago. It went away when I refreshed the page, but it made an impression on me, since this is not the place I would expect to see a Santorum ad.

Interesting that Rick Santorum's campaign chose to advertise on this site. Doesn't he know this place is a breeding ground for evil Godless liberal hipsters? This site features the columnist who redefined his name!

I wish there was a way to use Ad Block on my TV when he does that shit…

People on this site would be amused by an innocent girl being almost blinded by pepper spray and crying out in agonizing pain…

I LOVE The Soup! Watching it always makes me disappointed that Joel would whore himself out to NBC on Community. Community's the type of corporate garbage The Soup criticizes.

I know you guys resent me for not liking the show, but come on, you can't possibly think I would be stupid enough to say Regional Holiday Music was the series all-time low point! A person who would say such a thing is beneath the contempt you often afford me.

Is it any surprise that I hate Key and Peele?

I'm glad to see somebody else understands Competitive Ecology the way I did. But since when is Regional Holiday Music the low point? Even I kind of enjoyed that episode, mostly due to my hate for Glee. The low point would have to be, I don't know, Modern Warfare? That episode began Community's toxic trend of doing

HIPSTERS! Do you not know that word summons me?

I wish they had the balls to execute them.

This birth control issue isn't about freedom of religion. It's about the salvation or damnation of souls! Who stands to gain from Obama's policy? Satan, that's who.

As a gay man, I can say BOTH types of Santorum are awesome!

Romney's Seinfeld reference reveals a healthy, self deprecating side that illuminates many of the liberal lies and stereotypes that they use to simplify political issues.

I will definitely be participating.