
Far down at the bottom of the ocean maybe. Donald is like a modern day version of Stepin Fetchit. Listen to his rap record, and you can tell he hates black people. He thinks he's above and beyond the black community because he likes stereotypically "white" music.

Donald's an Uncle Tom. The entire joke of his role on the show, and of his career, is a perceived disconnect between him being black and a nerd. Nerd's are usually stereotyped as being smart, but Troy is dumb since being smart and nerdy AND black is considered too much for TV viewers to expect. His rap career is

Which one is umeko assigned to?

The Republicans are closer to being Marxists than the Dems are at this point. I have a friend named John Demetry (you can find him on twitter) who is a Socialist Republican Christian Gay Donald Trump-supporting, Chris Brown loving,  Birther. Nothing is what it seems with me and my friends.

I know you guys have other things on your mind right now, but please check out my passionate rave for Neveldine/Taylor's Ghost Rider sequel. You won't be dissapointed.

Listen to your hero's callous indifference even to that which he loves most. I wonder how he treats things he doesn't like.

I'm not sure if I prefer Ron Paul or Rick Santorum at this point.

Anyone up for live streaming the Republican Debates?

Ugh, so many terrible shows on at once! I might as well give my TV away.

So I can hang
I wish I was dead
Cause my life is pain

Can you ever really own art?

Aw, now you guys can never read my 500 page review of Intro to Political Science!

I suggested this just the other day!

Dave stole my prediction! I demand the prize!

This place must never go. Where else could I rant against hipsters and have myself still be accepted by those hipsters as normal? No place like this will ever exist again.

The universe is always slanted towards justice, hipsters.

Forgive me Jesus.

I love you, I swear to God I love you

I walk upon shards of broken glass and every time I bleed I gasp

We're all going to die, unless we take drastic measures.