
I loved Attack the Block, and you loved that.

I hated Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close this year, and many of you hated it too.

I hated The Help this year, and many of you hated The Help.

Every year, alert observers notice that my taste in my Better-Than lists has gotten more mainstream. Since I have not changed, it must mean that culture is finally catching up to me.

I cannot lose too much faith when I see films like Jack and Jill, Columbiana,Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Attack the Block, Adventures of Tintin, and War Horse.

Yet for every idiot who reads me there is an intelligent, alert pop observer.

This has led some of my stupider readers to label me, a Marxist, gay, Black man a "conservative reactionary." Ha. Funny joke you guys made there.

The pain of 9/11 was especially brutal as it came around a week after I lost my hero and friend Pauline Kael. Ever since then I've been more conscious of the link between foreign policy and cinema.

I remember 9/11. I felt real things that day, as did most other New Yorkers. Yet the reaction of the "left" was tepid. That was the day I knew that conventional "liberal" politics were no longer a weapon of the people.

I have seen the darkest heart of humanity, and yet I truly believe that we are capable of good as well.

Sometimes it is lonely to be the solitary fighter of the resistance. But mostly it's just thrilling.

But as long as I live, the executives at Disqus can never have peace. I am a living symbol of everything they despise and cannot defeat.

This incompetence and greed is a symptom of capitalistic opportunism. Disqus now has a monopoly on comments despite being absolutely worthless.

I'm willing to die for what I believe in. I believe in the end of Disqus, and the creation of a new and efficient commenting system.

OK Disqus, my old foe. Let's see if you work for me this time.


I can't take a minute more of this bullshit. Goodbye cruel world!

I'm starting to feel personally insulted by this shit. I might have to stop commenting here if Disqus keeps acting this way. I'm trying to maintain a parody account of a typical hipster Community fan at the same time as posting my sincere thoughts as myself. But Disqus keeps telling me that I'm logged into my real

Why can't people care enough to make products that actually motherfucking work?

I hate Disqus more than I hate Pulp Fiction, and I really fucking hate Pulp Fiction.