
I want to kiss you on the mouth. You have such wonderful taste.

I love Leonard, so that would be extremely disappointing.

Denzel Washington is a modern day Stepin Fetchit.

Ha ha, I would have laughed so hard if NBC cancelled the show on you guys and you never got to see an episode of your favorite show ever again.

…Your Dear Leader would make a cameo in one of Adam Sandler's two bad movies…

Oh, this is just a choice quote from my Safe House review. I was feeling kind of lazy, but I have, of course, read very many of my own reviews.

Is Kanye there, and is he doing anything crazy? That's pretty much all that would get me to watch.

The fact that they were decent enough to let Chris Brown play is probably the only redeeming element of the Grammy's.

Michael Jackson played the super bowl once. That might have been the greatest event since the Resurrection. The Foo Fighters are pretty thin gruel compared to that.

All this glib talk is making me nauseous. EVERYBODY IN THE FUCKING WORLD GIVES THESE PEOPLE SHIT! Stop pretending like you white hipsters are the only sane ones in the world while you peddle racist stereotypes designed to stigmatize black artists and preserve the status quo.

I want to kiss you on your beautiful mouth…

People have been moaning and whining about that endlessly, but apparently that's not enough for you. There is absolutely no goddamn reason why someone would be banned from the Grammys for something they did 3 years ago. The media just wants to demonize Chris Brown while exploiting Rihanna for a victimization fantasy

Being told you're a contrarian if you differ from dogma? I wonder what that feels like..

Don't joke. She was behind the greatest movie soundtrack of all time.

Wouldn't you be embarrassed to associate with Mad Men too? I can't wait till she gets put in Adam Sandler movies and doesn't need to sell her art out for a paycheck like she does on Mad Men.

Pete is the human embodiment of white privilege, and Mad Men is designed for wealthy white people, so it wouldn't surprise me if they ratcheted his role up a notch.

Alison is certainly a more artistic and original rapper than her poser costar Donald Glover. Glover aptly named himself Childish Gambino so he could inflict his mindless, aggressive, arrogant, and self hating style upon a hipster audience. Brie's rhymes display a charming sense of play and have the free associative