
@jamesdotca: IMO, no. It is not. Watching ballet on TV is even duller for ballet fans than it is for non-fans, if you can believe it. Also, see something interesting. (Nutcracker is usually…oh how to put it…the Coldplay of dance. You might like it, it's not unpleasant, but it takes no risks, lacks the kinetic and

These guys love being New Yorkers, huh. Also, Brooklyn!

You won't be disappointed. It is a superb trailer.

Agreed on Superbad. You never get the feeling they found a funny idea and horned it into the film (see: Anchorman, 40 Year Old Virgin, etc.). It's organic. And hilarious.

Yeah it's hard for me to hate on the lead from Punch Drunk Love. Easily among the most brilliant casting choices of the decade.

This guy sounds like a class act, and probably a fun dude to boot.

The Man Who Wasn't There Where the Protest Didn't Happen

I thought there were five of them.

"Shot on shitty digital video,…"
I love the AV Club.

They couldn't do the ceremony with the tv on in the background?

I used to get the Economist and while I didn't read it cover to cover, certain countries were always fascinating to read about. Sri Lanka was one of them. The relationship between the Tigers, the government and the people is way too complex to lump using categories like "terrorist", "patriot", etc.

Better than a too-omniscient fourth-person perspective

Never heard of this show or comic. But that image at top is reason enough to check it out. Looks like Mad Men meets Lost in Space.

Oh jesus
Welcome, dystopian future. What took you so long?

EvelKareebel: A+++

"Kick start the butterfly effect". Wha? Amelie this makes no sense! But adorable mixed metaphor or what have you.

ZMF is basically a Pynchon character reduced to its basic, all-caps components. Paranoid, confused, opinionated, surreal.

Yeah this has been on Amazon for months…and in the L.A.Times, and probably elsewhere. Good one, A.V. Club. You got me to click to Decider.

Avon Barksdale could sell me Avon products.

Reading Infinite Jest right now. Exciting news.