
This movie
sounds completely made up. Val Kilmer was Batman for Christ's sake! (Not a great Batman, but you don't have to qualify it like that on your resume, Val!)

Streets of Rage 2 (for Sega Genesis): A+.

I think it was the fidelity to the books that really bogged them down. I guess for some it's better than the alternative.

@expenseroso: Point taken. Quality control counts and I didn't mean to suggest it doesn't. A good magazine will worry about dreck, like you say. But they won't be afraid to take risks or even do something silly because they think readers might not like it. I guess that's what I feel you're arguing against, and what

Kudos to the AV Club for trying out various fun features—some that take a lot of work and writing, some that are cute little toss-offs, some that work, some that don't—all without compromising the reviews and features that make up the bulk of worthwhile content on the site.

Yeah and what's the popular phrase that describes said due process? I think it's "Most likely guilty (especially if he seems like a creep) until proven guilty".

Forsooth, let us halt this Vile and Regrettable practice of capitalizing words of great Import, lest it further Denigrate the Venerable English tongue.

I enjoyed the teaser review on the front page
"Should businesses just give away their products? "Duh," says the condescending editor of Wired."

Me too on Katherine Heigl. Not funny. No problem with Anne Heche though.

compt sounds like the Web 2.0 startup for a searchable database listing restaurant and hotel deals.

I'll be the guy with glasses standing by the punch bowl.

mbs I was actually thinking about applying there, oddly enough, much as I'm not a big fan of the company. (However, Bucky's right—better than most other stores.) Any tips? Or should I not bother. I'm in the market for bookstore jobs as they're the only ones who'll have me. If you can't be with the one you love…

I've heard a couple songs off this
And they're both terrific. I liked the last album but would have liked a little more musical adventurousness and less guy w/ acoustic guitar-ness.

Next up
Infinite Jest: the Webisode sensation

That Columbus Circle Borders in NY is near where I work, so I browse there sometimes. It's depressing in a Borders-in-a-mall kind of way, coupled with a Very-Expensive-and-shallow-Manhattan kind of way. (Your non-fiction browsing options are basically limited to Ann Coulter and 2009 calendars.)

Leonard, unless I'm mistaken that is from the New Yorker, and is an article that is available on their site—I know because I read it there. Now to find that pesky URL…


Sham-wow for my true friends, sham-wow for my sham friends.

Does Netflix's Instaview have the correct subtitles? I've got in on my queue.

Was that something the presence of characters with more than one dimension?