
Only song I can think of for this list, but yeah—every time.

I am actually surprised to not see "Hey Ya" here, a song so popular and iconic that I assume forty years from now it will always play with any stock footage from the 00s (a la 'Like a Rolling Stone' for the '60s).

"Bringing religion back to school."

I think a collection of Oswalt essays would be enjoyable in the same way as Without Feathers, Side Effects, etc., that is to say very. He should get on that.

You're all forgetting An Inconvenient Truth!

So why is it "The Bronx", but not "The Manhattan" or "The Brooklyn", etc.? Or just "Bronx"?

Embarrassed to say I think about this a lot. I ran a marathon last October and credit the fact that I finished with a far better time than I expected to the following songs. (I used them during training, not the actual race.) Basically any music you enjoy will do for most of your workout, but at that hard, "I

Dan Brown>Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

30 Rock is maybe the only tv show on right now that I'd like to see turned into a movie. Like a screwball Altman kind of thing.

Werner Herzog and Nicholas Cage. Ah, but it'll never happen.

David Lynch's "Hairspray"

Werner Herzog directs all of Wagner's Ring Cycle.

How about
Tom Waits does the complete Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris?


Barenaked Ladies — Rock Spectacle
Now that was an enhanced cd! Thanks, eighth grade me!

The description makes me want to pull out Mars Attacks and give it a watch (for probably the 20th time).

They were both pretty bad, but at least Magnolia (a) was nice to look at, (b) had impressive tracking shots, (c) had Tom Cruise being (intentionally!) crazy. Magnolia also avoided a lot of the maudlin pitfalls and terrible, terrible acting of Crash. Not saying it was great (this coming from a huge Boogie Nights fan),

Or do a kickass sequel to Last King of Scotland, like all his fans are waiting for!

What an odd thing to comment on, Goo.

How satisfying that this is even worse than I had anticipated, and so humorously reviewed at that.