
Yeah that Pitchfork reviewer has completely repressed the memory that he was Peter Pan when he was a child and that he married his childhood love Wendy. It'll take a pretty wild adventure to help him rediscover his inner youth.

Review of Fab Four career
"The Beatles…were…bad…count…shitty…Revolver…and endless…solo album(s)…"
—Nathan Rabin

Done it again, Rabin
"I figure that if I want to experience a sour-faced scold verbally emasculating a passive, weak-willed schmuck over and over again, I need only rifle through my very own treasure trove of unpleasant memories."

A good Inventory or Q+A
What are the best movies about technology? Or rather, the movies that make the best/most realistic use of technology? Occasionally Hollywood MUST get it right!

Cube > Cube 2: Hypercube, but old turkey sub > Cube

But when, when will zombie doctors discover a cure for brain fever?

Carusobeard was great, but let's not run a good thing into the ground here people.

Vivian Banks, how dare you outbid me for that stained glass window. I'll get you somehow, you dirty stevedore.

Well regardless, that is a touching final paragraph no two ways about it.

Boy do I find Queens streets confusing too. Luckily I don't drive.

mbs I too have heard that story about Bill Murray in W-Burg. I'll believe it when I see him.

A "breaking news video," CNN.

You can all make it
Bacon-infused bourbon is easy to make and delicious in an old fashioned recipe readily available from the bartenders at Please Don't Tell, and also online I think.

Good for Eddie Murphy
At last the public is listening to his subtle protest against going to movies.

Reno 911!
Although sometimes I feel like I already do.

This sounds
very spooky. I bet in the end it was the townspeople who were the true monsters.

I suspect the feature is just getting off the ground and we'll see a little more voice as time goes on. I agree, though, and look forward to learning more about the wild, wonderful world of metal.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of that "at long last" quote. Kudos for your timing!

I've seen him twice in the past month
at a couple different readings in my area. Both times he presented this speech-in-progress. It was interesting to see in the second show how he honed some of the jokes and tried other, new ones that did or didn't work, and neat that I can now see the finished product.

For the record I am not independently wealthy or anything, but something strikes me as really wrong about hoping to make money off of the rarity of that album.