
I bought one with the original art, actually, probably a day or two after 9/11. (Retail therapy?)

Jay-Z's new album
Was an inside job.

That review was one of those intermittent pieces of genius of his that make me like A.O. Scott all over again. He sure knows how to let me out and reel me in.

Hipster, not a hipster, quirky, not quirky, we all hate Jews, right?

Perfectly cromulent, of course.

I heard
This book has no brain.

I find it highly unlikely that Thomas Pynchon wants anything to do with J.D. Salinger.

Can we talk about David Carradine? Get on this AV Newswire.

I've heard the sweet spot is when you can anticipate the answer coming to you, allowing you to buzz in before it's fully formulated. Truly an accomplished coordination of disparate neural networks.

You are officially more prolific than Shakespeare…on the AV Club comment boards.

Coach McGurk! I love that guy!

Thanks. That would have made the video slightly more tension-filled.

Comparatively, you'll save money with eMusic, I'd be willing to bet. If that's not an issue, yeah, just use Amazon for things.

What is the score to beat?
I haven't been keeping up I suppose. And it's not plainly visible on the hideous G4 Web page.

Lou Reed is mentioned on the info page, as is the Byrds, Tribe Called Quest, Wu-Tang Clan, Iggy and the Stooges, Patti Smith, and—-finally—-George Michael.

Strike that, just got this message on the Web site: "Effective Jul 12, 2009, your plan will change to the new eMusic Basic plan which gives you 30 downloads for $11.99 every 30 days. " I'll take it, I suppose.

Noel speaks the truth. I have misplaced many an mp3 only to have eMusic cough it right back up for me. That's service.

I live in New York and like theater. Hell I'm even an actor. But I care far less about the Tonys that I do the Oscars, and like any true movie nerd I care very little about the Oscars. I guess I don't really go to Broadway shows, which cost like 2-3 times an off-Broadway show.

OK guys
At this year's Tony coverage, let's set a new comment record!