
Ozzy reading it later: "Fucking biters, it's halls of fame! Idiots! Oy, I've soiled myself."

Uh guys, the actual quote is: "Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put."


Cold turkey. I was never a pack-a-dayer, more like a pack-a-weeker, so I don't front like I'm some kind of willpower superman. Heavy smokers have it much, much harder. The only urges I get are when something shitty happens at work and I can't blow off steam by going outside and taking a smoke break

I quit three weeks ago. It's going well, thanks for asking. I smoked American Spirits and yes, they were hell of expensive. My excuse was always if you're gonna kill yourself with smokes, do it the tastiest way possible. Life is short!

Yeah even on a good day this would be the best thing to happen to me all fucking day.

The posters make this look abysmal!
Glad it's good.

Not sure if this is a remake
Wikipedia links to some articles in which Herzog asserts it is not. However, Herzog does seem to assert things in line with his own personal reality…

Uh yeah you and I are the only ones here on this message board talking any sense. I am cryogenically freezing myself until this comes out because I literally cannot wait.

I was never able to finish
Memoires of a Geisha. I should try again.

Yeah I love that Nickelback redid "Classic Theme 2".

I think Land of the Lost annoyed me the most.

Come on guys its 2009
Restitution for Ben Stiller!

I enjoyed "Nonviolence: History of a Dangerous Idea" — perfect length and depth for its subject.

Goosebumps! Yes! Ron Howard are you listening.

OK Tasha, didn't want to, but I hereby declare the Great Internet Robot-Cyborg Debate of 2009 commenced!

I thought they were quite widespread, despite starting up in Cali. (as Starbuck's in Seattle!) But I don't really know much about them. Maybe I should see this.

OK, I have to ask
What does gangbanging mean? I'm only familiar with the pornographic definition. Being in a gang? Doing various activities associated with gang life? I'm at work and I'm too a-scared to Google it.

Holy shit
I love this book (despite its problems—O'Connor really was more suited to the short-story form). I have a lot of difficulty believing it would translate well to film, and judging from this review I should probably pass.

The borg! Evil! Sexy! Evil! Sexy!