
There's no way
this could be as good as Brick. I have seen that movie 6 or 7 times.

Man that series jumped the shark at like Apollo 9.

Bill Murray is the only thing that could get me into the theater for this.

Dublin is in Bloom.
Shall we visit several pubs?
Yes yes I mean yes.

Pour out a little bit of canned chicken in remembrance of fallen brother Chang. Then pour out the rest.

Um…has no one mentioned Babette's Feast? That's kind of a classic. And also a great film.

Dude, quit harshing my buzz.

And a million ugly t-shirts. That's Gilmour's fault too, right?

Oh come on. These features are basically written for the comments section. I don't give a shit who likes DMB and is getting paid to write for the AV Club. I want to express my opinion, dammit.

Free pass for Shakespeare, for Titus Andronicus.

Yeah, Herzog is not going to use that pass anytime soon. He doesn't give a shit if you like his movies or not. Does not give a shit. He will shoot a film in an about-to-erupt volcano because he feels like it.

Yeah I'll see anything with Will Smith. It's a critical blind spot. I even watched Seven Pounds. (On an airplane. It was not awful. I cried a little.)

Yeah, while you're debating whether Steve Martin deserves a lifetime pass, all your favorite (present day) stand-up comedians owe him their careers and probably much of their sense of humor as well.

Speaking of Zoolander, the lifetime pass that probably comes up for me more than anyone is Will Ferrell, who proved in Zoolander that jogging across a room can be a thing of genius. There's no doubt in my mind that Ferrell is a comedic genius, even though I haven't loved any of the movies he's starred in since.

Let's fight about it! I think The Wall overlong and has the emotional complexity of a young adult novella! Oh, and a mere handful of great songs! Piper through WYWH is a string of largely uninterrupted brilliance!

I can't even IMAGINE what Tom Waits could possibly do that would result in him losing his free pass. I was going to say something like "kill another one of my idols, like David Bowie," but even that would be kind of cool! Catch fucking 22, I can't not love Tom Waits.

I don't like DMB, owned a couple of their albums and I think gave them a fair shake (even went to a horrendous concert, for which they later publicly apologized). But they are musicians, mostly talented, and I can name two dozen bands off the top of my head that make far, far worse music.

James Joyce
Lifetime pass for Ulysses. I mean, classic, right?

The have a summit every year. GND Annual Conference. I think it's right……next…door. Or maybe Seattle.

I saw 2046 first (In fact it was my introduction to Wong Kar Wei), so I may have an unusual take on it, but I thought it was brilliant. Slow, yes, but in a mesmerizing way, such that I didn't notice the hours past.