
Speaking of Indians, how about Smoke Signals? That is a weepy feel-good movie right there.

Stupid talent
Redistribute the wealth, God.

@D: The notion of you not having Rocky Raccoon on that list is offensive to me. Buffalo Bill, slightly less so.

My girlfriend has never seen CK and does not know the ending. I kind of don't want to show it to her, just build and build the expectation to impossible levels.

YES to Ocarina of Time.

I still get my first time jitters every time I watch Mulholland Drive. it does not get less unsettling.

Withnail is sitting at home. Just got it from Netflix, never seen it. So, lucky me I guess?

I was a freshman in college, on a Greyhound bus going back to school following my first-ever trip to New York City. Discman in hand, having just received a burned copy of it from an older, city-living friend. If it were a movie you probably would have barfed at the cloying sentimentality of the scene. Anyway I

Most certainly not. Haven't asked about it. She hasn't seen Sunset Boulevard, though.

—The New York Times

The pull quote, with its brevity, doth speak volumes.

Alice Munro?

alcohol and painkillers!

My girlfriend
has not seen a lot of classic movies. Although she has excellent artistic sensibilities, cinema has always been a blind spot for her, even the big classics. For instance, she has never seen Casablanca (or any Bogart, for that matter). She has never seen Citizen Kane and may be the only person on Earth

C&P is the only novel of his I've read. I enjoyed it. But I'm saving The Brothers Karamazov and The Idiot. I'll never get to read them for the first time again!

Neutral Milk Hotel
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. No question. I think about my first time every time I listen to it.

Grand Moff Tarkin made me laugh.

I've listened to every Animal Collective album when it came out, for the past 5 or 6 years, and this is the first one that I've really, really liked.

I agree. Their show is something not to be missed, but I don't hear that awesomeness on the record.

I'll take 10 LXGs over having to see the Watchmen. I mean that. At least the former was in the "so bad it's good" category.