Bishonen Knife

Why doesn't Disney just buy up the right to Star Trek, merge it with Star Wars, and put JJ Abrams in charge of the whole disaster? It could be the Time-Warner-AOL merger of our time!

You know what turned me off Twin Peaks the first time around? The relentless hype. I didn't even start watching until near the end of the first series. Sure, I fell in love with it and it became one of my favourite shows ever, but it was a major barrier to entry.

"The entertaining mini-games" are going to involve smoking a whole lot of pot and trying to keep a clear enough head to keep in the game, right?

Cut the guy a break. Imagine having to go through life being named 'Chet'.

It's actually a real problem in China. My brother lives in Hong Kong, and parents visiting from the mainland used to just dangle their kid over the nearest gutter to do their business. It got so bad that they had to run a public health campaign saying "For the love of God … that's gross and unhealthy. Don't do it."

Great Job, CBS News Report From Several Years Ago!

She also believes that babies should be 'free-ranged' instead of wearing diapers. You're supposed to magically anticipate when the kid's going to poop and hang them over the toilet to do it, or just let them crap in the bushes like an animal. Yeah, good luck with that.

'Unaired Lifetime pilot'

As will an inability to choose anything like a decent role from then on …

And that's the big difference. You can get the sense that certain characters are poor, but you never see that consuming anxiety about how to keep things ticking over from week to week.

Unless Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty agree to come back to fuck things up all over again, I ain't watching.

That's the thing that seems really groundbreaking about Roseanne when you watch it again today, particularly the earlier seasons. You just don't see a family like that on TV anymore, making endless dumb financial decisions (a custom motorcycle company, Dan? Really?) and sometimes coming close to ruin.

The news that she holds a coherent position on anything nowadays comes as a revelation.

Well, I still hate Donald Trump! What do I win?

It's the pastel shades that make them truly slappable.

I see that spellcheck agrees with me that 'Inhumans' is not a real word.

I won't believe this until I see white smoke coming out of the HBO chimney.

Then I'm extra interested to watch the alternate version. I remember feeling that the orchestral score was laid on a bit too thick in the original version.

One of the most disappointing developments of Season 2 of Twin Peaks is the way Invitation to Love disappeared without a trace …

Plus, I think there's been an uptick in the number of times it's been done badly. To me, it often ends up feeling like a cheat on the audience.