Bishonen Knife

It felt like it was running on fumes from around the end of Season 4. Leslie and Ben's marriage in Season 5 was planned as a possible series finale, and I can't think of much that happened afterwards that I couldn't have done with out.

All seven episodes aired on Australian television back in the day, at some ridiculous timeslot - 4pm on a Saturday or something. It was fascinatingly odd. I liked the idea that it was kind of like Invitation to Love escaped from its box.

The Outsiders was the first book I ever read where I reached the last page, turned back to the beginning, and immediately started reading all over again. I contemplated stealing the book from the school library because it was so precious to me - but then I decided how wrong it would be to deny others the same

Well, buh-bye then.

That is literally the message coming out of the mouth of Australia's boneheaded Treasurer, almost word for word.

The only time I ever watch it is when I'm on the final leg of a long-haul flight and and I didn't get any sleep on the first leg. I think that says a lot.

Three wisecracking old gay men who live together in Florida? I'd watch the heck out of that.

But didn't they just cancel 2 Broke Girls?

It was also the basis for the short-lived The Brady Brides.

The only possible way of justifying this would be to reveal that Barney was deep in the closet the whole time.

That guy was awesome. Having half his costume as a tux and the other half as a biker jacket showed great commitment to the concept.

I'm not saying the movie is perfect by any means - but that campaign meant it didn't have a chance from the start.

I've said this so many times, but it was the advertising campaign that let it down the most. If you didn't know who or what John Carter was, you were lost from day one. It felt like a clever teaser campaign, except without the payoff of ever being told what all the fuss was about.

Right? This year's competition was totally lacking in sufficient craziness.

"Hey, what's Bojack Horseman doing on that ladder?"

Could this year's competition have been more dull? Even the token wacky act (the Moldavians with the saxophone guy) were pretty boring. If a dancing gorilla with a rainbow bow tie couldn't liven things up, nothing could.

You'd think with the advent of steampunk, someone could do a kickass Jules Verne movie. But that would actually require some imagination. Or a superhero who lives in a steampunk dystopia.

And that's your Dly Pwr Bttm Pdte!

And also @Hater_Tot.