Bishonen Knife

A big issue with the site is that Univision standardized the platform around Kinja, which is not just the comment system, but the whole foundation for the pages. Kinja might be fine for blog-like sites, but The A.V. Club was built from day one on organized content, with reviews and features having a longer expiration

Anyone who buys it needs to shake off Kinja like a bad flu. Also the comments section badly needs moderators. There’s no reason for anyone to be posting stuff like “Eff you [bleep]” and having it stay up. It literally adds nothing.


I always kinda knew it would happen, just not this quickly

2 1/2 years to irreparably damage a publication and then strip and sell it for parts.

My suggestion: give all the queens a fixed amount of money before the season starts to make/purchase outfits, wigs, shoes, etc, and then have them provide receipts ala Project Runway’s final runway. This will stop the insane amount of money being spent on lewks (Kameron said she spent more preparing than she did for

Except it really, really isn’t. I’ll admit there are some solid jokes going on, but it just wasn’t The Muppets, it didn’t have the anarchic, vaudevillain, batshit insane energy the Muppets should have. Where were the random explosions? Where were the absurd one off jokes? The fourth wall breaking meta humor? The