Bishonen Knife

- Donald Trump

The scary thing is, this is all true. Except that she was replaced by a creepy male sex offender who harassed some friends of mine:

I'm still not sure I can buy in to a world where Jughead is hot.

You don't have to tell me. I'd happily live in Sydney, but you need to be a millionaire if you don't want a three hour commute.

I used to live not far from Playland, and good God, that Dragon Coaster was terrifying. You could feel your teeth rattle in your head. The super-fast steeplechase carousel is awesome, though.

Didn't the AVC itself publish a list of Wikipedia articles that are ridiculously long, given the insignificance of their subject matter? 10,000 word diatribes on ageism and The Golden Girls and stuff like that?

Said everyone who grew up in Jersey ever …

A lot of the allegations about Bow's sex life come from the court trial that I touched on briefly. She sued her secretary, Daisy DeVoe, for embezzlement, and DeVoe and her legal team essentially tried to destroy her credibility by spreading the rumors. I can highly recommend Daniel Stenn's biography of Bow for more

He did indeed - and Renee Adorée of 'The Big Parade' starred in one of his first Australian films.

John McAfee lived up the road from me when he came back from Belize. His big comeback interview was done in my local coffee shop. Also, he's batshit insane.

The sky-high property prices in Sydney certainly have a New York flavor to them …

"… and we called those the Wonder Years …"

Auxiliary Wormhole - It Girls

A roller coaster covered in puke and a lame ghost train?

I've never been colder in my life than when I've been in New York without an adequate coat.

Have they hit Rck Bttm yet?

I guess they weren't McLovin it.

Well … the nicest thing I can say about it is if you liked its schtick, you were guaranteed of always finding it.

If you riked Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's, you'll rike 2 Bloke Girls velly much!

Good riddance. This show was everything terrible about terrible sitcoms.