Bishonen Knife

Wasn't he saying just the other day that his press briefings were the best press briefings since press briefings became a thing because they get the hugest ratings?

As long as this artistic decision isn't Once Upon A Time: Interns

The amazing thing is it was apparently heavily retooled before release. An even worse version exists somewhere.

My then six-year-old niece became a total Anne/Diana shipper after I showed her the Megan Follows series. She also couldn't see why it was such a big deal that Anne dyed her hair green.


Did it happen on the Weeknd?

Right? So maybe I'm not imagining things.

Not until the later seasons, I seem to recall. Didn't he jump into the body of Marilyn Monroe's limo driver at one point?

It's almost exactly twenty years since that episode of The Simpsons which showed Fox's weekly line up as The Simpsons and X-Files on a Saturday, Melrose Place on a Monday night, and question marks for everything else.

The Facebook page News and Guts is doing a pretty good job of finding the middle ground between "Let's not give Trump the gratuitous attention that he craves" and "Let's look in to some of the truly egregious things he has done/is doing/will probably do, because we sure as heck aren't letting him off the hook."

One, The AV Club needs to be less loud, less angry, and have access to a time machine.
Two, whenever Trump's not in a Newswire, all the commenters should be asking "Where's Trump?"
Three …

And also a Juggalo reference. MWOF could not go out without a Juggalo reference.

Biff Tannen in Dystopian 1985 = Trump. It's uncanny.

Plus, on ITunes - his unique take on Radiohead's How To Disappear Completely.

I put it down to the fact that they have completely rejected traditional news media. They've got their Breitbart and what have you, and they're completely convinced that any other news outlet is lying to them 100% of the time. We're talking Scientology-level delusion here, which probably means that changing their

It says something when Marilyn Manson looks much more like a serial killer when he's dressed as a schlubby bespectacled Midwesterner than he does as a goth rocker.

I guess so. There just seems to be an awful lot of crummy romantic dramedies and comedies out at the moment. I'd like to think that some clueless white guy in Hollywood didn't think 'Eh, toss 'em out there for Mother's Day, they like that kind of crap' but … I don't know how to end that sentence.

On the plus side, if they replace the debates with pro wrestling matches, I'm all for it.

The original cast album on constant rotation was the soundtrack to my childhood. That, and Jethro Tull's 'Thick As A Brick'.

Yeah, it's geoblocked, unfortunately. Since Logo bought the US broadcast rights last year, it's been much harder to find an unblocked stream. Fortunately, some good folks have pointed me in the direction of one. Now to prepare my bingo card: