Bishonen Knife

Bishonen Fork, upon hearing Colbert's interview with Jim Parsons last night: "Holy shit - that's his real voice???"

It sounds like it could have been fascinating if she'd been more self aware. IV's suggestion that she should have handed the project over to someone else or abandoned it altogether would have been the most ethical options.

And if those allegations hadn't become public, she would have kept herself out of the picture? That's pretty troubling in itself.

If there isn't a porn parody called 'Jack Reacharound' available somewhere, the internet doesn't work like I thought it did.

It wouldn't surprise me if Prince Philip had some kind of non-fatal medical emergency such as a stroke. Guy's 95, after all.

Krista lost me when she put down 'Singin' In The Rain' for FJ. What kind of philistine confuses MGM and Warner Bros?

It's all blending in to mush. Remember 'Read This'? It's now 'Great Job, Internet - because you can Read This! On The Internet!'

The best part of this story is instead of a hooky mid-tempo ballad, they chose a seven-minute mini rock opera with a Douglas Adams in-joke as the lead single. And it was awesome.

They sequenced that album very carefully. I'm pretty sure that both OK Computer and the second volume of the Romeo + Juliet soundtrack were delayed because they decided to secure Exit Song (For A Film) for themselves.

Cut. It. Out!

He's a slice of heaven!

Easy to say, but hard to achieve when the president's a complete boob.

Kentucky has an arena called the KFC Yum! Center. That is all.

Mmmm …. free goo …

And also a disco version of The Wizard of Oz, which is as terrible as it sounds.

Disney replaced the jizz with walkie talkies.

Hutt is all you need.

Still the best album of the 90s.

Their CCO is a white guy named 'MDavid'.

I think they're deliberately written that way. Nobody ever reads them because they're terrible and nonsensical, but every company have to has one, because … reasons.