Bishonen Knife

When I was a kid, 'influencers' were the ones where your parents asked "If Danny jumped off a bridge, would you?" as a way of showing that only idiots follow idiots.

Ron … Ron … Ron Weasley!

Never go full Brando.

America sighed and did whatever they could not to turn up. As in the case of actual jury duty.

I came on here to joke about this being a movie about three giant supermutant animals whose main job is to smash up apartments and eat the inhabitants … and it turns out that's exactly what it is.

Yup, according to PageSix: "The people in yachts were fine. The only thing that they had to deal with was instead of nice boats taking them between their boat and the island, they used life rafts.”

The sun came out in Portland for the first time in about a year. Plus, some Good Samaritan cut the grass on my nature strip, so I didn't have to do it. Hoofrickenray on both counts!

That's my feeling too. Don't attribute to malice what you can attribute to a couple of rich, clueless douchebros getting in waaay over their head.

I checked Snopes. The answer, as quoted from Vanity Fair, shows that there's no way this story will get less hilarious any time soon:

"His paintings are not only amateurish but also they have absolutely no point of view. They express no interpretation of what we are seeing whatsoever"

Apparently the actual line-up was announced late in the process (like, after people had already bought tickets), and it was implied that Kanye would be headlining. I doubt they cared what distant dot was onstage while they took their selfies.

I find this story as hilarious as the next person, but can we get a source on that figure that people paid 'up to $125,000' to participate? Early reports had it as $12,500. I hate to say 'that sounds far more realistic', but it's at least more realistic than paying more than some people paid for their house to see

You missed the most obvious one! 8liens!

I saw it at the movies seven times, at one point on two successive nights. Yes, I was a bit obsessed.

That's a valid point. On the one hand, strong romantic friendships between girls were considered fairly unremarkable in the early 1900s, however homoerotic they may seem in retrospect.

I remember, when we studied Romeo and Juliet at school, the teacher making a passing reference to the suicides of the two main characters, and what seemed like half the class calling her out for the spoiler.

Weirdly, I once knew a girl who was convinced she was the illegitimate daughter of John Drew Barrymore. The only thing her mother would tell her about her father was that he was a well-known actor with whom she'd had a brief affair while he was on tour. She did the research on the stage shows in her city roughly nine

Fun additional fact: swing songs - that is, songs sung while the (usually female) singer was in a swing that flew out above the audience - were popular novelties in the early 1900s. I recently discovered my own great-grandmother sung one at a charity concert at 1907.

The saddest part of this is that Fox were one of the few studios with sufficient foresight to create a vault for their older films, rather than storing them haphazardly or not at all.