Bishonen Knife

Auxiliary Wormhole - L. M. Montgomery

Preventing the exploitation of small children is 'coddling'? Curse those liberals!

There was an interesting point buried in that recent article about Ru's new make-up - the idea that the influence of Drag Race has inadvertently made the artform less subversive and anarchic, and more focused on polish and surface appearance. I think there's something to that.

Did people start intentionally ramming your car?

It's the worst at classic movie screenings. "Huh, did you see that? Humphrey Bogart just used an old timey phone! HILL-LARIOUS!"

Maybe there's a secret cabal of Lynch movie trolls? When I saw Lost Highway, I sat behind a guy who laughed inappropriately at the whole thing. Especially the most violent parts.

Awesome, a light that does what a free phone app can do! And only $95!

Counting this article and the one on Vice, the sources for this story include a real estate developer, a lifestyle blogger, and some guy named William N. Finley IV. There are references to yacht parking.

Little known fact: before Lecy Goranson, there was actually another Becky, Gummo Conner.

Super crazy.

She's been inconsistent on what 'happens' after the finale over the years, so whether or not she sticks with that outline isn't clear, though. I wouldn't be surprised if she tossed most of it out.

Everything back to the Season 2 finale in fact, when they first bought Roseanne her writing desk.

Hopefully there'll be another random crossover with Absolutely Fabulous.

Maybe they can cut back to that episode where Dan and Roseanne are smoking their old stash of pot and retcon everything thenceforward as a hallucination?

I still can't get over that 'Lottery should be played for fun, not for investment purposes' warning they tack on to lottery advertisements nowadays.

There is no way that Roseanne will not retcon Darlene into being a lesbian.

It's Hormel Bacon all the way down.

Now can the AV Club finally do Classic TV Club coverage of the original series?

Although I'm intrigued to know what a SmatPhone is.

I don't know what will be worse - if they keep it as a piece of pseudo-70s fake nostalgia, or if they try and update it by running a snarky Twitter feed across the bottom and allowing contestants to be voted off via Facebook.