Bishonen Knife

My favourite description of mid-2000s Sharon Stone: "She has a face like a tightly-made bed."

Well, we never got a Goatman movie. So that's something.

Ugh, you're right. I don't want to say 'It's awful when someone gets sober," but … that was awful.

In retrospect, Season 11's when it all fell apart for good. Maude Flanders is killed off. Manjula and Apu have octuplets. Saddlesore Galactica happens. Gary Coleman makes a guest appearance. There's a passing joke about Donald Trump becoming president. Ain't no coming back from any of that.

*Cries* That's enough … That's enouuuugh ….

Which means 3x the profit.

Remember when authors used to write one book, and then if it was successful, they'd write another book, and then possibly another to round things off? And the first novel didn't have 'THE FIRST BOOK IN THE EPIC PSYCHEWIND SAGA' written bigger than the title?

Right? The Hall of Presidents scared the crap out of me as a kid.

Similarly, I developed an unexpected soft spot for Welcome to the Jungle simply because it was my best song on Guitar Hero. I still wouldn't pee on Axl Rose if he was on fire, though.

Plus, that episode of The Goodies where they start the Rolf Harris safari park will never not be funny.

On the other hand, he's getting absolutely nothing done. If it's between an incompetent blowhard and a more skilled political operator who shares his abhorrent views but actually has the ability to enact them, I'd rather Trump stink up the place for another four years.

Arrested Development?


I thought I was the only one who remembered The Secret Life of Machines. And now I've just discovered the whole series is legally streaming online for free! Afternoon made! http://www.exploratorium.ed…

Yeah, and neither the space nor the bagels are anywhere near as good as they used to be.

Of all the good pizza places in Portland, the shitty one that took over my favourite bagel shop gets all the attention. Thanks, Trump.

No kidding. And isn't it comforting to think that its former co-chairman is now in charge of the Federal Treasury?

This is my greatest fear - that someone with all of Trump's chutzpah but none of his incompetence succeeds him.

As they repeatedly tell us, the most consistently popular features on AVC are GJI and sick burns against Trump.

Nancy Kerrigan? She was white bread on skates, basically.